Our Vision
Why the name REVITALISE?
Because Jesus came so that everyone could experience new life and vitality in Him.
The Mission of REVITALISE
An Aussie church with a heart to revitalise people, communities and nations.
What is important to REVITALISE... our local church?
Jesus... because He is our centrepiece... the visible image of an invisible God. Only through His saving grace do we truly find new life.
People... because God loves people & people matter.
Gatherings... because whether in small or large gatherings, our strengths are revealed and our need for community is realised. We are always better together.
Family... because in a healthy family, diversity is a reality and everyone belongs!
Celebration... because Jesus & people are worth celebrating in every season. Praise will be the sound that resounds from Revitalise.
Generations... because a healthy community makes way for every generation to flourish. Starting with the children, youth & young adults... all the way to those who have made a way for others over many decades.
Generosity... because generous people ‘show up’ practically, financially and spiritually to help, empower & bring solution & change to our local, national and global communities.
Team... because everyone has something significant and unique to contribute. And it’s way more fun, doing life and building church together.
Discipleship... because we are all on a journey to know Christ & make Him known.
Faith... because as we step out in faith, led by the Holy Spirit, people will be saved, healed, restored, made whole, encouraged and inspired with direction to be everything God has designed them to be.
Prayer... because God is always listening and prayer changes things.
Other Churches... because Australia and nations everywhere, need healthy, Jesus-glorifying churches.
YOU... because on any given day you are a soul who needs relationship and you are a part of God’s redemption plan for the earth in whatever "spaces" of life you find yourself. Revitalise exists to help you know, own and influence your "Spaces" in life.